The Easiest and Fastest Way To Make Money Online In 2021

The Easiest and Fastest Way To Make Money Online In 2021

Last Updated on September 27, 2021 by Smart Life Picks

The Easiest and Fastest Way To Make Money Online In 2021

Folks today we’re going to be talking about the fastest way to make money online. 

Times are pretty difficult right now for most people and households. I think we can all agree that being broke just sucks.

Maybe at this moment right now you might need a little bit of extra cash in the next 30 days or next 60 days.

A lot of people have lost jobs or are working with reduced hours. Most people I have had the chance to talk to are frantically looking out for new opportunities. 

They are looking for other quick ways of making money and/or complement their existing income especially online since they are stuck at home.

So let’s cut to the chase. I believe that one of the fastest ways to make money online is freelancing. 


Freelancing is awesome. The gig economy is growing and there are more entrepreneurs out there like me who hire people for freelance and gigs.

I hire people all the time to do things for me especially when it comes to digital artwork or assets. 

When it comes to freelancing you’re basically taking or using pre-existing skills that you would use at a job and you’re actually going directly to the market yourself.  

You are going to use your existing skill set without retraining or learning a new trade. 

For example, if you are skilled at project management, coding, designing, writing, marketing or video editing, graphic design or voice-acting, etc, you directly market yourself to organizations and institutions which require such services. 

In my experience due to a plethora of reasons, several organizations very often at short notice may need a particular skill set to deliver particular project requirements.  

For whatever reason, they could not adequately plan for or anticipate so necessitating them to get that job done as soon as possible which might last from a few days, weeks or a few months. 

This also reduces their agency cost and you not on payroll but as a supplier to the business.

The difference is once the job is completed you get paid instead of waiting two weeks or a month and living paycheck to paycheck. 

Due to its nature you can do a job and be paid for it in many cases right away.

This means you can actually make money pretty much every day if you want to and that’s where the speed comes in. 

That is why I believe it’s the fastest way to make money online legitimately.

Whether you are a very skilled person or not there are several freely available websites where you can do very simple or complex tasks to earn money.

There is certainly a freelance job for most skillset. Which in my books, makes freelancing one of the fastest ways to make money online.

What we need to appreciate is that it is not a steady employment avenue but to make money quickly online. 

It helps provide a better life on your path to financial independence and freedom without being vulnerable and desperate.

It will also provide some help and stability in your life by helping you to be able to do things on your own independently. 

As an example, you can use some evening for it. . Wouldn’t you be interested in making $500 over the week-end using an existing skill set you are great at without any expenditure on your part? 

Even for folks who are gainfully employed it is an avenue for extra income or side hustle giving you just a little bit more control of your life and more importantly at least in my opinion control over your finances. 

We know for most people, control over their income makes them happier and eliminates a lot of the insecurities that they might have.

Why not give freelancing a good try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Learn complementary skills to freelance with.

Sometimes you need specialty skills which might not be very difficult for you as a few lessons will get you up to speed. 

I have worked in industry for 20 years as a programme manager in various roles but in my free time studied a lot of different computer softwares such as Adobe premiere (video editing), photoshop, illustrator, After Effects, final cut pro, Avid Pro Tools, wordpress and web skills for designing professional websites etc.  

I realised I had over the years acquired other skills and I could do what most people could not do. 

I believe when you do a retrospective of your skill set you will realize the abundance of skills you have, and areas where you can add to your skills portfolio by taking some time to learn them for a small fee on the internet using websites like Fiverr learn, Udemy and Skillshare.

You can get a free trial of Skillshare using this link. It is an affiliate link so helps the website earn a little money at no cost to you.

I hope you will agree with me that any amount of money coming to your account for a few hours of extra work in the evening or weekend can help you no matter what you earn in your day job. 

As an example, imagine being paid for each project over the weekend or evening $400 dollars. In a month you will have about $1600 in your bank account, and assuming you did the freelancing only for 6 months of the year, you will have $1600 x 6 = $9600.

List of websites for freelancing

Find below a list of some websites you can use for freelancing and make money online quickly.​

Freelance writing 

Another way to make money online quickly is using websites like They hire freelancers to do freelance writing for short blog posts, short Facebook posts etc. 

Expect them to do some screening as they normally screen their writers to enhance the quality of the work they receive.

Example of what you can do with them is  gigs to craft an engaging eBook on any topic, audio or video notated and transcribed into text, full management of content and social media of entrepreneurs, and some data entry work.

The list however is longer than these what I have listed so checkout their website for more details.

These writings won’t take you hours to write so if you need to be able to like make a few extra bucks every week  by all means check them up. and is probably the most popular freelancing marketplace right now. Fiverr offers services in every digital category, fit for any kind of business need.

They really promote their brand. There are so many services that need freelancers and multiple disciplines.

The service for freelance range from project management, voice actors or on-screen video talent, web design, social media marketing, graphic design, video and photography etc. and 

Business and entrepreneurs who commission websites that sell their products and services need to test them as part of the quality control to make sure that they’re fit for purpose and that they work the way that they’re intended to.

This means there is a need for a lot of people to test these websites for user experience and report back on what’s wrong or if they had better suggestions about the website or app functionality. and are some of the website services that you can sign up to be a tester. All you need is a good internet connection, a webcam and a microphone. 

You can make decent money every week for very little of your free time. Most user tests take between five and ten minutes. 

It’s pretty good considering that you get the equivalent of an hourly wage in most cases for just a few minutes of work so if you can find enough user tests that you’re qualified to take then that can add up pretty regularly so definitely make sure you’re checking that out.

Adobe stock

If you are a halfway-decent photographer and have a good camera with at least one good lens, I would recommend making stock photography and selling stock photography and stock video with Adobe stock.

Go to adobe’s website and sign up to be a contributor. You can then actually start making money off of your photography. 

If you already have photos and video just sitting around your hard drive, submit them to get approved and try to make money off of that existing inventory that you’ve already created with your camera.

It looks like a lot of people underestimate this as it is actually a really good way for people to get more money. 

If not it’s so easy to go to the dollar or pound store and get some cheap things and just take really good photos of it on a white background or on a wooden table. 

You would have created images or videos entrepreneurs and advertisers like me might buy to use on our website.

Selling T-Shirts and Merchandising Using Teespring

Teespring is a website where you can make merchandise like shirts, cups etc.

Teespring has a marketplace to showcase your products. It works this way, depending on how you price your merchandise you can get four to seven dollar Commission’s on your t-shirts.

So how do you make shirts for Teespring? Use a design software like Photoshop and don’t worry if you don’t have photoshop you can use or

On these websites, you can make cool graphics and t-shirts. They also have a built-in design tool that you can use but I would recommend doing something custom. 


So there you have it. Roll up your sleeves and put them to the test and let me know in the comments what you are freelancing on and any experience you will want to share to educate others. 

These suggestions will help you make money online quickly. If this post provided value for you, share it on pinterest, facebook, twitter and spread the good news. Blessings.

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