How Your Body Posture Plays a Big Role in Your Self-Confidence

How Your Body Posture Plays a Big Role in Your Self-Confidence

Last Updated on September 27, 2021 by Smart Life Picks

There are around six and a half thousand languages in the world, So it’s, a wonder we managed to talk to each other at all. It can be scary and confusing when you turn up in a foreign country, and you can’t even read the signs, let alone talk to people, But there is one language We all understand…body language. 


Nonverbals is everything that communicates but is not in words. How you sit communicates to us the things that you attach to yourself a purse, a pen, a fancy car.

All these things are communicating, how you look at others communicates and all day long. We are communicating non-verbally all day long. You can look in on your child as they sleep and you can tell if they’re having a nightmare or if they’re sleeping soundly,


How Your Body Posture Plays a Big Role in Your Self-Confidence

You can spot a bad day from a mile away, two people sitting there arm cross and not making eye contact. We can read confidence, shyness or lack of very well. So come find out what your body language gives away.

Your body can communicate directly all the time and our eyes are the window to our soul, so anyone who stares lovingly into them is actually just a peeping Tom. 🙂

How your eyes meet with other eyes normally is an indication of confidence, interest, and honesty. It’s supposed to be one of the most important factors in giving a great job interview. If you turn up and stare at the floor, you’re unlikely to get hired unless you’re applying for floor technician, in which case you’re hired, But be careful not to overdo it.

Good strong Eye contact is one thing. A hard stare is another. This is not universal, though, in areas like Eastern Europe is fairly normal to have people stare at you on public transport, they are not being creepy or aggressive as people would assume in the UK or US, and it’s fairly, normal.

For many parts of the day, our leg’s main job is to get us from point a to point B and to stop us from falling off our chairs again. But when they’re, not stuffed under a desk or bouncing along the pavement, they can reveal your personality type for men.

The classic manspreading shows the dominant person, someone who likes to be in charge and show everyone who’s boss there, the kind of people who give themselves you the man pep talks in the mirror every morning. 

In most European and Asian countries, men often fit with the less leg cross over there right with both Pointing downwards, in the USA  this will probably indicate a closed nature, but if one leg is horizontal with the ankle resting over the knee, then this is a confident and often argumentative pose.


How Your Body Posture Plays a Big Role in Your Self-Confidence

Our use of body posture plays a key role in how we feel. When we are feeling “down”, our bodies show this by hunching the shoulders, we stare at the floor, our heads hang forward. When we are seated we tend to be slumped rather than relaxed. Our walk is more of a shuffle, speech is slow and quiet.

Compare this to how we feel when on an “up”. Shoulders back, eyes forward, head held high, and so on.

Do the following exercise yourself and notice the difference between the two stances.

Firstly, stand up. Think of yourself as an actor who has been asked to portray a person who is feeling unhappy and sad. How would you stand? You would have all the physical positions as described above:-

  • Hunched shoulders,
  • staring at the floor,
  • head dropped forward,
  • arms hanging limply by your side,
  • back curved,
  • shallow breathing,
  • facial expression lifeless.

How do you feel? Awful, probably!

Now, change your position. The actor has now been asked to play someone that is full of confidence and happiness. Again, how would you stand?

  • Shoulders back,
  • looking forward,
  • head held up,
  • arms forward as if offering a hug,
  • back straight,
  • deep breathing,
  • smiling face.

How do you feel now? That’s different, eh!

Simply by altering the way we use our bodies automatically has the effect of changing the way we feel. Even if we have a genuine reason for feeling unhappy, we can reduce the impact on our emotions by standing, walking, sitting, and talking in a more confident manner.

Another useful method for raising your self-confidence and changing your mood is to smile.

Even just by putting a smile on our face can be effective. Not only does it send a “happy” message to our brains, but it also sends out a signal of confidence to others. This in turn will generate a more welcoming response from the people with whom you come into contact. We all respond at some level to a smile directed at us. It feels good to us and it feels good to the person sending it.

Notice the way you use your body posture and start practicing using it to improve the way you feel. Be aware of the times when you are not feeling the way you would like and how you are using your body. And, as you become more proficient at it, start enjoying the better feelings that it generates.

What is a good posture during a presentation? 

These three elements are crucial feet, hands and eyes. Plant your feet firmly on the ground, preferably at the same distance as your shoulders. Think of them as two trees.

You’re planting into the ground. It’s pure physics. Your two feet closely, next to one another not crossed. It gives you stability and stability in your body means credibility in your story.

It goes without saying that you’re allowed to move around during your presentation. We would even recommend you to do so. Just make sure that you take big steps as opposed to small and shifty ones, as they bring down the power of your story.

Now, what to do with your arms and your hands? These two dangling objects given to us by Mother Nature that they cause more trouble than we think during presentations because we just don’t know what to do with them.

Well, make them a part of your story. They help you to underline your message and emphasize the point you’re trying to make so don’t hide them behind your back or in your pockets

Just let them hang loosely in front of your body, barely touching one another. Let them move from that position and create movements that are large and clear enough for your audience to watch.

Tip: Here is a tip, at several points in your story, you can pretend that you’re, holding like a basketball and make movements from that position.

To illustrate your point, your hands will add dynamics to your story also, even if there is a podium choose to stand in the open space and try to stay away from anything, you can hide behind, show yourself and make your posture an open one.

So avoid crossed arms, as they form a barrier between you and your audience. Also, you might want to avoid holding objects in your hand that might cause distraction like a ballpoint or fold up papers or your wedding ring so avoid fondling and no fidgeting.

Your eyes are your connectors. They connect you to your audience. So don’t, look away, look down or up inadvertently. A listener will read these actions are signs of nervousness and insecurity, so try to smile with your eyes, a relaxed and gentle position of your mouth will encourage your audience to listen to you.

A friendly face will help your message to stick.

Here is a general rule. Try to avoid anything which made a distract audience’s attention from your story like eye-catching outfits or hairdos; small movements, annoying tics, etc.

Make your posture as open and dynamic as possible. When you’re looking for the right composure in front of an audience, you must remember this circle of impact.

More than half of the impact you have on an audience is caused by your body, language, 38 % of the impact you have is caused by your voice and the way you speak and only 7 % of the impact is due to the content of your story.

Good body  language is very important. Where do we start? We start with our feet with our legs. We plant them like trees in the earth, which doesn’t mean that you can’t move around during a presentation, but it needs stability.

Your story needs to be stable also, so you need physical stability and then your shoulders. You have to straighten those shoulders and tuck up your chin and to know where these shoulders should be there is a very small exercise, you just lift them up very high and let them drop, and then they are where they should be so feet Shoulders and then your hands and your arms.

What do we do with these? Well, one thing you have to remember is that you have to keep an open communication with your public, so dot use hands to creates a barrier. 

So what want to do is to make the distance between yourself and the audience smaller so reach out with those hands and those arms all right, feet, hands and of course, never to forget to smile.

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