What You Need To Know Before You Start Any Business

startup, business, people

Last Updated on September 27, 2021 by Smart Life Picks

I am reposting from Investmentsmastery.com where I wrote this article as while ago but very relevant today.

5 Things You Need Before You Start Any Kind Of Business

Below are the things you need to know and remember whilst starting your business…

1. You’re going to face rejection.

You will face rejection and that’s a good thing because every time it happens you’ll learn from it

Sometimes on your first day of reaching out to new prospects, you get hung up on, with expletives’ — although with each and every call you learned something. And become better.

Just tweak your strategy and over time it will cause you to create a new strategy that blows your original out of the water.  

I want to encourage you to learn how to face rejection, and even welcome it!

2. Jealousy

You will encounter a lot of jealousy, from those you least expect it from!

“Everyone wants you to do well, but not better than them” — we’ve all heard this saying before. 

I can tell you first-hand it really is true. 

As your business grows and things start to come to fruition some close friends may even stop talking to you or picking up their calls for absolutely no reason, they may just distance themselves gradually. 

These are the same friends who cheered you on previously. 

You need to learn that resilience is key to maintaining drive.

3. Doubt Of Your Achievement

Others will doubt your success more than you will, don’t let them get in your head.

This is so important. When you first decide to go out against the world on your own and launch a business, you’ll be told by everyone around you of all the potential risks. 

You’ll be asked about back up plans, you’ll be informed of what could go wrong, and sometimes these thoughts can stay with you and eat away at your motivation. 

Don’t let them.

4. Team

Build a team as soon as possible. The biggest mistake you can make is thinking you can do everything yourself. 

What are the things you spend 80% of your time doing and are they productive, are they pushing you forward or holding in the same place? 

If things you really need to be doing are only taking up 20% of your time, it’s time to get help.  Hire someone to take away all of your non-productive tasks and flip that 80/20 around. 

Spend 80% of your time on the tasks that really matter. 

5. Enjoying the Journey

Enjoying the journey is just as important as enjoying the end-goal.

When starting a business it’s easy to obsess over the end goal, so much that you end up forgetting to enjoy the way to the top. 

That’s the best bit! That’s where all the fun is. The ups, the downs, the late nights, the early mornings — the adventure. 

Make sure that you enjoy the journey, take breaks to enjoy your new time freedom, spend more time doing things you enjoy — make the most out of life, live in the moment.

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