Tips on How to Build a Gym at Home

Last Updated on September 15, 2020 by Smart Life Picks
So you want to save valuable time traveling to the gym by building your own home gym. Due to the long hours worked, and strenuous commutes, more and more people are opting to squeeze their workouts in by exercising in the comfort of their own homes.
There are many advantages to creating your very own home gym. It is shown that people who have home gym equipment in their homes tend to exercise more often. Let’s also not forget about saving valuable time, and money on monthly health club dues. It seems like all the new estates being built in Los Angeles plan for a room to be used for their own, personal home gym.
The only drawbacks to owning a home gym are its overwhelming cost, and space limitations. But wait, maybe not! Sure you can purchase individual station machines, a treadmill, a bike, and dozens of free weights. However, is that really needed to get outstanding results? Do you have to spend $10,000 plus to get yourself a home gym that really delivers results? The answer is absolutely not!
Yes, you can treat yourself to state-of-the-art equipment, but will you get better results than a gym that costs less than $100? The answer is no!
Being an Exercise Physiologist in Beverly Hills, California, and author of Home Gym Shopping Secrets, I have proved you can achieve outstanding results using a home gym that costs less than $100. I see that proof each and every day while consulting with motivated clients throughout Los Angeles, California.
What I see daily is people not having the space for many pieces of home gym equipment, or not willing to make a big investment.
The $100 Home Gym Solution
Dave, an Oscar-winning screenwriter whom I consult with, uses his $100 home gym twice per week and gets amazing results. As a matter of fact, he pays me much more each week for my services than he did for his complete home gym. His strength and endurance have tripled over the past year, all while losing 6% body fat. This has all been accomplished using his $100, cost-effective, space-saving home gym. As a matter of fact, we exercise outside, year-round, in his driveway! His home gym consists of the following equipment which I have listed below. If your goals and medical history are compatible with this type of program, you too can do something similar. Please refer to Home Gym Shopping Secrets and Wellness WORD Multimedia Newsletter for additional fitness programming information.
1 Large Swiss Ball
Stretching Mat
Pair of 15-pound dumbbells
Pair of 20-pound dumbbells
1 Heavy Black Ther-A-Band
1 Resistance Band With Handles
10 Pound Medicine Ball
That is it; simple as that! Now what you do with all this equipment is specific to your medical history, and personal, primary goals. For more information on individual fitness programming, please visit Wellness Word Newsletter and Home Gym Shopping Secrets.
The program Dave uses is more of a core strengthening regimen using various functional movements. We even have him doing in the neighborhood of 250 push-ups throughout his circuit training routine. Just remember, programs are created on an individual basis, and are not so-called canned as one routine fits all. The two resources I have mentioned above will help you get started on creating your proper program.
So the next time you think you can’t afford a home gym, think again. YOU CAN!