What You Need to Know About Ketosis

Last Updated on January 15, 2021 by Smart Life Picks

What is Ketosis? It is a state of the body that is in a state of being partially digestible.

Since ketosis is all about the activity of the cells in the body, it is a state in which the intake of glucose by the body will not be as great, and so its only usable sources of energy will be fats and proteins.

One of the major symptoms of ketosis is a frequent occurrence of diarrhea. Diarrhea, however, is not necessarily indicative of Ketosis; rather, it is a natural consequence of high blood sugar levels.

Another symptom of keto excess is excessive amounts of mucus production. Mucus is produced by your digestive system to help cleanse your colon and keeps the colon healthy.

The main problem with keto diets is that you can’t keep a balanced diet in it. You can eat several times per day but still not be sure that you are getting enough carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This is why many people on Ketogenic diets will start losing weight and going into ketosis right after they start the diet.

Your long-term keto diet plan will require that you avoid eating any carbs and saturated fats for the rest of your life.

Carbohydrates are extremely easy to break down and so you should limit what you eat as much as possible.

Fats are easier to break down and so you should be careful to consume lean meat and avoid fatty foods such as butter, ice cream, milk, and cream.

It is important to avoid fried foods and add butter and oil to every meal if you do want to eat them.

Even eggs should be avoided since eggs are full of cholesterol, which is very difficult to break down and is often found in fatty foods. If you have to eat eggs, find eggs that have a lower fat content.

Dairy products should also be limited since they are also hard to digest. They are also easily stored in the body as fat.

Fruits and vegetables are not hard to digest but instead require the use of enzymes. Even the best of the fruits have to be put through a process of digestion.

Things to remember: Eat small portions at a time and avoid fast food. Get on a keto diet plan and make sure you get enough carbs, fats, and proteins.

And remember to increase your protein and fat intake while you are on a keto diet. Because everything you eat will come from these sources.

We recommend when doing Keto to use a customised meal plan designed just for you. You can get your using this link. 

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