Why You Must Create Your Own Blog or Website

how important is a blog

Last Updated on September 27, 2021 by Smart Life Picks

I am sharing with you an article I penned for investmentsmastery.com which you will love.

How Important Is A Blog or Website?

Why must you create your blog or website is a question I get asked often? 

As a digital transformation lead in my corporate career I love creating attractive applications and  websites for my enterprise clients.

These clients understand the value of having a digital footprint for their organization. 

Having that digital footprint is so important for businesses. I believe it’s equally important and crucial for individuals to have their own personal websites.

Everyone, across industries, needs a website.

5 Reasons Why You Must Create Your Own Blog or Website

Lets see some some of the reasons why you may want to have your own website and blog? 

Looking at the opportunities it brings are so obvious that owning your own website is the smartest choice you can make as an individual.

it will help maximize your opportunities in life.

I however completely get it that not everyone has the time, or even the desire, to do this.

I will in a later post be sharing some insights on how you can still have a website even if you don’t build it yourself.

Why you need to have a Blog or Website
Why You have a Blog or Website To Thrive

Our post on “How to build a blog” provides guidance on creating a beautiful and functional website for your individual or business needs.

I wish every person seeking a great transformation in their life and destiny to have their own website. 

Because a lack of digital real estate or website is robbing you of side income, fantastic opportunities now, and in the future. 

Even Google uses a term called domain authority to rank website and one of the criteria for that is the age of the website...Just saying….

Reasons why you need a blog or website include:

1. You Have Control Over Your Image and Personal Branding By Having A Website or Blog.

A website gives you control over your image and personal branding. 

Whether you are applying for a new job or starting a side project, most people and clients will search for your name online.

We all have all done our fair share of name-Googling too.

Having control over this information and who you share with, is such a powerful thing that should not be left to chance. 

One of the most successful personal brands we know of Elon Musk. His passion for technology and work ethics are great. 

You may not agree with him about everything but you must give him credit for this… He has done a great job managing his personal brand. 

His personal brand is so well managed that his name is more widely recognized than some of the products from his company. 

This personality pivoted on his personal brand to get millions to be enthused with big engine electric cars and people bought them when they had not been produced.

This was of course spearheaded by the the mass enthusiasm for driverless cars – the future of automobiles. 

Do you think you currently have a personal brand?

If you don’t, then it’s never too late to start. Everything you do every day either enhances that personal brand and image or damages it. 

Your online brand is an Asset to you.

Investopedia defines a brand as an identifying symbol, logo, or name which entities use to distinguish their product or services from competitors. 

You are the CEO of your personal brand and like companies this is an intangible asset with some inherent value. 

This intangible asset is something that will probably provide future economic benefits. 

Do you want to excel and make the most with your active years on earth? … or do we want to keep cruising through life forgetting that our greatest asset is us?  

Your personal brand has value and generates some more value in the future as we will see below.

You have an important decision to make. To either start working on your personal brand or miss out on life opportunities. 

As a reminder not that you need it…A simple website helps you to convert your intangible personal brand into tangible assets. The best part is, you can choose what form that tangible asset takes.

2. Having A Blog or Website Makes You Stand Out From The Competition.

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A website allows you to stand out from the competition. What could you do today that will matter a lot in your future? Think about that for a minute.

The world has moved on with influencers being created on social media every day who influence millions in their buying decisions.

The low cost of acquiring technology means websites no longer only serve the purpose of an online signpost. They they more now…

Stand out of the competition and be found for the opportunities that abound. Focus on highlighting your unique strengths and identifying what really makes you stand out. 

In this way, a website almost functions like a resume.

If you are applying for a new role, a personal website has the freedom to be much more extensive and engaging, since it allows for the inclusion of photos, work samples, and even testimonials.

3. A Website or Blog Will Help You Exhibit Your Talent and Work

That is why you must create a blog or website. It shows the world your unique skills, talents, creativity, and experience.

Tell the world why that opportunity should come to you instead of another person. 

Whatever website you build I will recommend having a blog as part of it.

A blog will help in uncovering and showing what you’re passionate about and convey your message to the world. 

It helps demonstrates your expertise. It helps you train and tutor people in your field and discipline.

It gives you a platform to build domain authority and create a “know, like, and trust” among your audience. 

Showcasing your work this way allows for networking. It attracts people with common interests for future collaborations on projects.

A blog or website is also a place where you can do simple and satisfying work, whilst devoting your energy, time, and attention towards practicing a craft or learning a skill, or operating a side business.

4. Train Others With Your Unique Skill Set

Books for centuries were ways by which information and detailed knowledge about most disciplines were shared. 

In the current information age, blogging is the new way to mass communicate and influence the world, your society, and a unique group of people.

This group of people may never meet you but talk about you like they really know you. Because you are in their homes electronically!

You become a coach to them in a particular area of their life, just as books did and still do for most of us. 

They are all ears to what YOU in particular have to say to them about an issue and guess what, they are actively listening and implementing what you say, teach and share with them.

Owning a blog and Blogging is a powerful way to directly influence people in a positive way and reach a mass of people that was not possible a few years ago.

You can affect many lives positively by blogging so to begin speaking to them today, get started!

5. Tell Your Story With Your Unique Perspective 

I Love the word unique. It is defined by most dictionaries along the line of “being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.” 

You, my friend, have a unique set of life experiences, a unique perspective on life which makes your stories very beautiful and impactful…

But sadly most of us are not aware of this so don’t really go out of our way to share our stories…except when drunk for some of us :-).

Tell your story and let your unique voice show through. There are many lives and destinies that will be changed by your story. 

Blogging is a great way to tell your beautiful authentic life story.  

People generally seek connections in life and telling your story is one way in which you can get people to identify with you and where you have come from.

And it is not something to be embarrassed about as all our stories (good or bad) can help others learn.

People are seeking for authentic people who have overcome various things in their lives, and blogging is a powerful way of telling your story.

Your story can affect many lives and be a force for good, so start using them, start blogging. 


There are of course other ways to tell your story like writing a book, etc, etc but as we all know it takes a lot of effort to complete a book. 

We can now see why you must create a blog or website as blog can be easier to write even if you write a 10,000-word blog which is an epic blog! 

To make this process easy for you i have another detailed post on “How To Create A Blog or Website.”

I will encourage you to visit that post to get started in creating your blog or website in your spare time.

To help others understand why they need a website or blogs be sure to repin one of the images in this post and share this on social media as well.

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